Love My Family

"I spend more time with them, talk to them, listen to them and give most of my time to them"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Salam bahagia, salam sejahtera.

Everyday, we'll see in the tv/paper kekejaman tentera Israel ke atas penduduk Gaza. Ramai penduduk Gaza kehilangan tempat teduh dan kehilangan makanan. Marilah kita sama-sama mendoakan semoga semua kekejaman ini akan berakhir.

I've received many email,sms on the need to boycott Israel product bcoz katanya McDonald, KFP akan donate their earning to Israel. Tapi bila difikirkan balik, kita maybe overlook the fact that many businesses are franchised and owned locally. I dont think malaysia people yg buat business here will donate their earning. I dun know, dan masih berfikir, tapi dalam masa berfikir tu, bila nak makan Mcd/Kfc akan fikir balik apa yg telah dilakukan especially kepada children, infant. Kesianya, sedih. Kalau kita makan, Israel will continue to fire rockets, Palestine will be attacked again, Salah kita juga!! ish ish. Where is the wisdom?


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